Day Trip to Chinatown


I am not a city girl. In fact, the little Island we live on in the Puget Sound is kind of my max population wise. In contrast, it’s my husband’s minimum. Thus we have a true marital compromise in the home we have found to raise our family.

My husband’s a city boy. Through and through. And I don’t mind visiting the city. Especially for the dining experiences. But I love that it’s just a day trip and I once I get my fill I can return home! (all the praise hands!)

Our kids are kind of good either way I think. They love going to the Market and they absolutely adore visiting their animal friends at the Aquarium, but they also love beach days with friends and hitting up our little rock climbing gym on the Island.

The true best of both worlds. And I wouldn’t have it any other way!


When it’s lovely out and weather is forecast to be a not-so-rainy day it’s been fun to have the option to take the family into the city and have a new experience. With the kids currently in full on Pokémon obsession the hubs and I decided Chinatown would probably go over rather well… and well it did!

We visited a couple of the Pokémon shops for the kids to purchase their beloved cards. And then we hopped across the street where everyone loved playing at the outdoor workout gym equipment and park.

A quick trip to the Chinatown market Uwajimaya is a MUST! Even if you have nothing to buy, it’s a really fun and unique experience. You won’t be sorry. Trust me.


Dumplings and Boba were, of course, a must experience while there. Especially since the kiddos had never had either! I know, I know, it was way overdo!

Dough Zone was a huge hit- it’s always very crowded so I’d recommend doing the online check in a good 45 minutes even before the desired meal time - but the kids loved the restaurant. A lovely atmosphere and a fun ordering process make this place a definite must revisit!

Bubble tea was next, and despite the fact we didn’t make it up to Oasis Tea Zone for our Boba, we dipped into one of the shops on the way out and had a delicious tea and smoothie experience. Oasis is highly regularly recommended to me though and we will definitely be going back to try it out!

{So my shortcomings were quickly remedied and now the children ask for these foods regularly. So I’ll just go ahead and take it as a win.}

After walking from the ferry up to Chinatown and the kids asking for snacks the whole way, we decided it would be best to grab the teas before heading back down so everyone could have a little treat while walking.

When we come into the city we normally park our car and walk onto the ferry. It’s just easier to navigate that way andalsotoo then there’s an excuse to eat more due to the calories being burned, I mean who doesn’t love that excuse?!

And for mom and dad walking everyone across the city, there are the blessings of bakeries and cafés every few feet essentially, making it easy to grab a drink to help with the keeping up to the littles.


Returning to the Island as the sun is setting is always the icing on the cake for me. Stepping onto the ferry leaving the city is an instant stress relief for me. All the noise in my head calms and quiets after a day in the city, the weight lifts, and my whole body feels lighter. I have yet to find a better way to travel. It’s the current favorite method for the littles as well, which just makes it that much more enjoyable.

Here’s hoping this little jaunt into the city inspires some city sight seeing for everyone else as well!

Until next time,
