Homeschool Beginnings

Hello friends!

Well it’s been a minute. My apologies. I have continued to wait to post some grand adventure and alas, this never came to fruition.

There are a couple trips I have in the pipeline which I would love to post on soon, but with the majority of the country still not advised to travel I have been holding off on publishing them. Hang in there.

There have been quite a few changes around here since my last update. Instead of pursuing grand adventures around this corner of the world on a regular basis, we, like most of you I’m sure, have been sticking close to home. Really close to home.


My husband is office-ing out of our tiny little guest room. On a folding table. Wedged into the corner between the bed and the wall. Located on the same hallway as our children’s rooms.

Our tiny humans were pulled out of the public school system here back in January, and are now experiencing the glories of home education: Charlotte Mason style.

We made the decision to pull our kids out of public school, a school I dearly loved for years, was the main reason we moved here to this specific island, because of some very upsetting situations which for privacy sake I won’t go into here. Let’s just leave it at: it wasn’t good.

My patiently understand husband and I had long conversations, (by conversations I mean I poured out all my fears, desires, anger, hopes, and trepidation and he listened) on whether we should bring the kids home for school in the middle of the year or if we should wait until the Summer break. Well, my child on the verge of hyperventilating with the mere thought of returning to school at the end of the Christmas Holiday, sealed it for me. We were done. My babies were coming home. And they were coming home now!

Yes, we started our amazing journey into home education a good couple months before COVID shut all the schools down country wide. God’s hand was over the decision we made to begin when we did, because there is no way I would’ve handled being forced into this situation with half as much grace as I was able to have with it being my choice. In this current state most parents find themselves in, I realize what a gift this was, and I do not take it for granted, but dearly hope something I share may help and encourage other mommas right where you are at.

I have links to the homeschool curriculum we use over in the Curriculum tab, but I wanted to end this post with giving a few quick links to my most requested items. Hopefully these help brighten and ease your homeschool days!